Thursday, September 20, 2007

virtual overview of my first day of teaching.


waking up & getting "professional" at 7am with my roommate laura. . .

and leaving the beautifully-painted dorm i'm temporarily living in:

for the bus to my east-campus BUSEL teaching-unit-room (note my desk in the lower right-hand corner! looks like. . .a desk.)

and then my classroom!!! - just before it was filled with my first ever pre-college "intermediate" BUSEL students. . .

and finally. . .afterwards. . .seeking refuge in my beloved main-campus library to hole up and read about new media theory and the history of digital technology.

I started taking two graduate classes this week: "Theory and Method in Media, Visual and Cultural Studies" and "Body, Movement and Vision in Immersive and Interactive Media 1." They both seem as potentially wonderful/chaotically interdisciplinary/borderline -unorganized as they sound; so far the readings are great. i'm gonna write a paper with hypertext and i'm kicking myself for not learning (at least) HTML (yet?), but TURKISH classes start next week and i've only got time for one language (if that!)

also, my official work address:

N Building
BUSEL School of English Language
Bilkent Üniversite
Bilkent, Ankara 06800

my first day of teaching was a bit frazzled around the edges but - still encouraging. tomorrow i'm teaching 7 straight hours so another report will soon follow - - - !


theorbo said...

OH WOW - PLEASE KEEP THE UPDATES COMING MISS LISA!!! I loved the pic of you - you have a nonchalant, 'whatever' air - as if you were posing and thinking to yourself, "yeah, I know, i am so f-ing hot". What were you really thinking??

The juxtaposition between the disorderly room and you really makes YOU POP. Are those pants new or just new to you?!!!!!?!?!?!?!

J bunny said...

yeah miss professional.. that's nice that you have your own desk in a class room.. do you get to sit there all day?

Unknown said...

i see you dont need wheels or gasoline to get too work, i bet the winds blows alot (is there a wind machine)? ha , lvu dd

dancey pants said...

clothes and purse from tj maxx??

riverhealer said...

Wow...I guess you'll resume blogging when you recover from the first day!'s been how many days now?

Uncle John