Thursday, March 22, 2007


i am LOVING the word choices in this article!!! news just keeps getting better and better.

UK universities are teaching "gobbledygook" following the explosion in science degrees in complementary medicine, a leading expert says

Professor Colquhoun, of the university's department of pharmacology... said the teaching of complementary medicine under a science banner was worse than "Mickey Mouse" degrees in golf management and baking that have sprung up in recent years as "they do what it says on the label".

"That is quite different from awarding BSc degrees in subjects that are not science at all, but are positively anti-science.

"Yet this sort of gobbledygook is being taught in some UK universities as though it were science."

i wonder if there was a tense moment in the BBC newsroom re: the spelling of "gobbledygook" (i always thought it was "gobbleygook" !!)

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