Tuesday, February 6, 2007

hi from dc! here goes nothing with one of many attempts at a meaningful blog, mainly due to my increasingly terrible correspondence habits + busy schedule. check here for general scattered musings & expect inconsistencies!!

also, a guide to fancy chocolate written by melody, a friend of mine here at npr:

A Bittersweet Guide to the Best V-Day Chocolate

i was a taste-tester & am anonymously quoted all over the place, most notably (sheepishly) as the "one tester" who gave a "rave review" of Whitman's and Hershey's (!!) when it comes to sugar, i'm apparently easy to please.


theorbo said...

your blog title reminds me of a popular book you may have heard of called, "YO! YES!"

rennurbhturasil said...

your blog title reminds me of a popular story of Yoko and Lennon. i want to keep saying "yes" to you forever, as i have done for the time being.